As a 501(c)3 organization focused on supporting our community, we’re looking to raise $3,000 to support our operations. This includes supporting local model rocketry competitive teams in events like The American Rocketry Challenge, helping to start rocketry clubs at middle and high schools, and working to educate others through public events like day camps, webinars, and workshops.
For those interested in sponsoring our cause, we have a few rewards to give our thanks and recognize those who helped us out:
$50+ - Bronze - Name and logo listed on TWRC website and in cases of thanking donors and sponsors; events and presentations for the 23-24 season
$100+ - Silver - Bronze tier + name mention at TWRC events for the 23-24 season
$500+ - Gold - Silver tier + icon, name, or other recognition designed onto our competitive and recreational rockets for the 23-24 season
$1000+ - Platinum - Gold tier + mention of sponsorship present in all forms of outreach; social media, events, publications for the 23-24 season
For interests or questions about sponsoring our organization, please email our team at